Steps to moving on with your life in victory.

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Where to start. There is so much in all I’ve learned that I find it difficult to jump out of the starting block. So, let’s begin here:

Steps to moving on with your life in victory.            

1. Educate yourself on what you have been living. Spend as much time as you need to thoroughly educate yourself but don’t get stuck here. Educate yourself, know what you’ve been dealing with and then move on to step number two. Many of the articles and blogs that I have read over the years go over and over the profile of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Malignant Narcissism, Sociopathy, whatever you choose to call it, but never move on to helping victims heal. That is the main directive of this Blog, to heal. To find a course in life that helps women move out of the victim phase and into realizing that one of the reasons you were targeted was because you had incredible attributes that made the NPD  (Narcissistic Personality Disordered) look good. That’s a good thing, because you still have those attributes, whereas the NPD never had them. They were simply “mirroring” (a psychological term) you. They were/are broken with no insight into themselves. You are wounded, battered and abused but you were looking. If you weren’t you wouldn’t have stumbled across this Blog.

2. Realize that you are a good person. This is far more important than step #1. It is imperative that you recognize how essential an element it is that you change your mindset. The Bible says in Romans 12:2: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” You have been in the enemies’ camp for a long time. You may not have even recognized it. You have listened to the propaganda that has been encoded into your mind for a long time and its imperative for that to change. You are worthy. You are a good person. You need to start to look beyond the years of brain washing and start to view your life with a new set of eyes. Instead of focusing on the things that you were told that demoralized, belittled and beat you down, it’s important to flip every negative thought and begin searching your memory banks for good things about you. They are there and they are many.

3. Reprogram your thinking. You need to put good information into your brain. It has been said that for every negative it takes ten positives to dilute it to neutral. You have a lot of work to do. It’s possible, and in today’s world of computer and internet availability you have the world at your fingertips. Open a Pinterest account. Open a YouTube account as well. Those are two wonderful resources to help you step out of the shadow you have been living under. With a little research there are many free e-books that you have access to. There are wonderful websites with many uplifting articles.There are many ministries today whose websites offer free messages. My goal with this blog is to give a plethora of links to send you to for the express purpose of sending you off into a journey of hope and peace. If you don’t have a computer or smart phone go to the library. I cannot stress strongly enough the importance of mind renewal.

This is a time for you. A time for self-renewal. A time to get yourself out of the pit and move towards a mountain top experience. You can do it! Get ready, get set, here we go!

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